Snehagram: A Haven of Love and Growth


Snehagram: A Haven of Love and Growth

I came to Snehagram as a graduate research assistant from the Maternal and Child Health Institute at Johns Hopkins University. From the first day I felt the overwhelming charm of Snehagram: connectedness, in more ways than one.

Firstly, connectedness to nature. Whether you are walking through the campus or hiking through the mountain, nature always surrounds you. I woke up with birds singing every morning and in the evenings I could look up and quietly gaze at the stars.

Secondly, connectedness to the people who are so warm and kind. When they say welcome to the Snehagram family, they truly mean it. You will eat together, pray together, and laugh together everyday without fail. One of my favorite memories was when all the students and staff went to go hiking, somehow in the process of climbing up the mountain, I ended up completely drenched in the pond, playing with the rest of the students with the biggest smile on my face.

Most of all connectedness to yourself, through my time here I felt myself becoming more open, authentic, and capable. Snehagram will bring the best out of yourself, so keep your heart open and enjoy everything Snehagram has to offer!

I am truly thankful to have spent 5 months here, and I thank Fr. Sunil and Fr. Biju as well as all the staff and students at Snehagram for opening their space to me and allowing me to be a part of their lives. Although I was a teacher at Snehagram- I was the one who was taught valuable lessons that will remain with me forever.


Siddha Sannigrahi
Research Assistant (Johns Hopkins)