Celebrating Fr. Sunil’s Birthday at Snehagram

Celebrating Fr. Sunil’s Birthday at Snehagram

Excitement filled the air at Snehagram as students prepared to celebrate Fr. Sunil’s milestone birthday. With clandestine assistance from Fr. Baby, the school’s administrator, students meticulously orchestrated the festivities, recognizing Fr. Sunil’s invaluable three-year tenure. Throughout the day, they toiled behind the scenes, ensuring every detail was perfect to make Fr. Sunil’s day truly special. As evening descended, anticipation mounted in the dining hall, where students, alongside Fr. Bijoy, Fr. Teji, and Fr. Besal, eagerly awaited the celebration. Led by Soundarya, heartfelt speeches expressing gratitude and admiration for Fr. Sunil punctuated the evening, underscoring his profound impact on the community. The sentiment was reciprocated by the Fr.s, highlighting Fr. Sunil’s esteemed position within the community. A delightful dinner, courtesy of Fr. Sunil, concluded the evening, fostering laughter and cherished memories. Overall, the celebration served as a poignant reminder of the significance of love and unity at Snehagram