Easter Celebration

Easter Celebration

In March, the Easter festivities commenced at Snehagram, observing age-old traditions while embracing new ones. Celebrating Easter at Snehagram was truly memorable. We started with fasting and prayers, preparing our hearts for the solemn occasion. On Palm Sunday, we commemorated Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem with songs and prayers. Maundy Thursday was a time for reflection as we washed each other’s feet, following Jesus’ example. Good Friday brought solemnity as we walked the Way of the Cross and observed moments of silence.

Easter Sunday, reverberated with joy as believers celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ. A candlelit night mass, readings, and heartfelt prayers marked the occasion, accompanied by joyful dances in honor of Fr. Baby’s birthday. The Easter celebration at Snehagram ended with a delicious dinner, bringing everyone together in friendship. It was a special time filled with tradition, thinking, and happiness, echoing the message of hope found in Jesus Christ’s resurrection.