Parliament Election

Parliament Election

The Children’s Election at Snehagram was a captivating and enlightening experience, truly reflecting the essence of democracy and civic engagement at a young age.  The candidates delivered speeches during assemblies, expressing their aspirations and outlining their plans for Snehagram.

The process was organized and supervised by teachers, ensuring fairness and transparency. When it was my turn to cast my vote, I felt a surge of empowerment. Holding that small ballot paper in my hand, I realized that my decision mattered, and it was a moment to express my voice in shaping our school’s leadership.

As the votes were counted, a palpable sense of anticipation filled the air. The school eagerly awaited the results, which were announced on the same day. The winners’ faces lit up with joy and humility as they were declared the new leaders of our school.

Throughout the Children’s Election, I witnessed the power of democracy in action. It was heartening to see students actively engaging in the process, taking on leadership roles, and embracing the responsibility that came with it. We were all happy with the results, then the Prime minister selected his cabinet ministers to take on various responsibilities.