Visit of Magic Bus Foundation of India

Magic Bus is an organization that works with children and young people who live in poverty, in India.  Its mission is to provide children and young people living with meaningful livelihoods. The children and young people are equipped with the skills and knowledge on their way to moving out of poverty. On February 17, 2022, the Magic bus team visited Snehagram and presented us with a new livelihood option. There are many children over 18 years in Snehagram and this idea was very pleasing to each and every one of us. We were excited to launch this program at the earliest. The name of the program is Skill Development Training. It includes 2months of training and job placement is assured. It is a great option for the students as it is very flexible because it gives work from home option. Students can work and simultaneously do their further education and this way it will generate a stable income and they can pursue their education without any trouble.