Camp RRR (Rebuild, Relax and Reinvent)

We had a sports camp for 5 days held in the first week of June 2021 under the name Camp RRR (Rebuild, Relax, and Reinvent). The main motto of the camp was to rebuild the lost stamina and strength, relax with enough fun-filled activities, and reinvent so as to make things new. The complete camp was organized by the mentors of Snehagram. The students were divided into four groups to bring about the team spirit and for easy handling of the activities. The camp mainly focused on sports development and introduced students to the different pieces of training namely speed, endurance, strength, and flexibility training. We also brought in Aerobic, Zumba, Yoga, dance, and meditation adding variety to the camp activities. Futsal, Basketball, and Throw ball found their places in the evening hours. In the mornings we focused on learning some theory relating to sports such as The Importance of drinking water, the sustenance of different muscles, major aches and pains, teamwork, and related skills. it was a unique experience for all the students and their feedback has been very positive.