TISB Park Run

On October 8th, The International School Bangalore (TISB) hosted the TISB Park Run, a collaborative effort with Snehagram that brought together individuals from diverse backgrounds. Over the past three years, TISB students have dedicated their time to support Snehagram students academically, strengthening educational ties and fostering camaraderie.

The TISB Park Run buzzed with electrifying energy as participants from various walks of life united for a run, reflecting a spirit of unity. After the run, everyone gathered for a shared breakfast, symbolizing not only the physical achievement but also the joy of coming together and building lasting connections through shared experiences.

For some Snehagram students, this event marked their first visit to TISB, forging new bonds of friendship. The warm reception showcased the potential for collaboration beyond academics. The TISB Park Run inspired a commitment to a healthier lifestyle, emphasizing the importance of community well-being. The event highlighted the spirit of unity, community, and the significance of collaborative efforts between educational institutions.