Visit of Roshan


Visit of Roshan

Roshan Shet, an old friend and beloved brother to all at Snehagram, holds a special place in our hearts. Our shared memories of him as young children are cherished and unique, each experience with him leaving a lasting impression. Roshan’s love for us was evident in his frequent visits, even after moving to the USA for higher studies. Though the pandemic and his academic commitments kept us apart for three long years, the news of his arrival in India in 2023 filled us with eager anticipation.

On the 24th of January, Roshan made a surprise visit to Snehagram, an event that brought us immense joy. We spent the entire day with him, asking him curious questions and sharing stories of our own. Our mutual love for outdoor activities led us on a trek, where we laughed and reminisced about old times. Roshan was thrilled to hear about our achievements and successes over the past year, and his support and encouragement meant the world to us.

In the evening, we enjoyed a mouth-watering meal of spicy roasted fish, a perfect end to an unforgettable day. Roshan’s love for us was evident in the time he took to visit us, despite his busy schedule, and his genuine interest in our lives. His presence among us was a true blessing, and we eagerly await his next visit, where we can continue to create new memories and share in each other’s company.

Roshan Shet, an old friend and beloved brother to all at Snehagram, holds a special place in our hearts. Our shared memories of him as young children are cherished and unique, each experience with him leaving a lasting impression. Roshan’s love for us was evident in his frequent visits, even after moving to the USA for higher studies. Though the pandemic and his academic commitments kept us apart for three long years, the news of his arrival in India in 2023 filled us with eager anticipation.

On the 24th of January, Roshan made a surprise visit to Snehagram, an event that brought us immense joy. We spent the entire day with him, asking him curious questions and sharing stories of our own. Our mutual love for outdoor activities led us on a trek, where we laughed and reminisced about old times. Roshan was thrilled to hear about our achievements and successes over the past year, and his support and encouragement meant the world to us.

In the evening, we enjoyed a mouth-watering meal of spicy roasted fish, a perfect end to an unforgettable day. Roshan’s love for us was evident in the time he took to visit us, despite his busy schedule, and his genuine interest in our lives. His presence among us was a true blessing, and we eagerly await his next visit, where we can continue to create new memories and share in each other’s company.