Grammy Night Celebrated

Every year we have a Christmas celebration and it is called Grammy night in which we honor our benefactors, well-wishers. January 14, 2022, we organized our ninth year of Grammy night at Snehagram. We had the students from Christy Girls Home from Kolar for the celebration. The evening was very special with the presence of our Provincial Fr. Baby Ellickal as the chief guest and our local neighbor and friend Mr. Basavaraj. We honored Dr. Micheal Babu Raj (started I’m Possible Fellowship Program), Mr. Kaleshwar (completed TFI teacher’s training), and Mr. Babu Seenappa (completed 100days 5km challenge) for their contribution in their respective fields. Dances, songs, and skits electrified the celebrations. The night came to an end with the delicious meal prepared and severed by the students. It was another year of success and memories.

Experience Note; I enjoyed the night celebration and it was amazing to see all my friends contributing their best in the preparation for the evening. Our campus looked gorgeous with all the decorations and lights around. There was lots of energy in the program and I was very excited to perform my event. I was a little nervous but I was also proud at the same time as I was able to stage in front of a large crowd.  The celebration was special as I was able to meet some of my old teachers and staff and it added more life and joy to me.  I treasured each moment and this night would remain with me for a long time.