Annual Exams


Annual Exams

Writing annual exams is a significant and often nerve-wracking experience for me, filled with a blend of anticipation, preparation, and a touch of anxiety. As the exam season approaches, I bury myself in textbooks, notes, and practice papers. Late-night study sessions and last-minute attempts to grasp every bit of information become a norm. The pressure to perform well looms overhead, and I strive to strike a balance between confidence and self-doubt. The morning of the first exam day arrives, and there’s an air of tension as I gather with my fellow students outside the examination center.

Once inside the examination hall, a hushed silence takes over. The sight of the exam paper can be both reassuring and overwhelming. I carefully read the questions, plan my approach, and decide the sequence in which I’ll attempt them. As the writing begins, time seems to take on a life of its own. The minutes pass swiftly, and the pressure to manage time efficiently adds to the intensity of the experience.


The feeling of relief mixed with a tinge of satisfaction washes over me as I step out of the examination hall. Conversations outside often revolve around how different individuals approached the questions and the overall sentiment of the exam. Regardless of the outcome, the experience of writing annual exams leaves an indelible mark on my academic journey, shaping my approach to learning and my ability to handle challenges in the future.