Leadership training

Leadership training 

On the 12th of September, we started our 3-day leadership training.


Through this training, we learned that as a leader we should not have any doubts or confusion regarding the rules and responsibilities. Furthermore, we need to recognize that everyone is different and that as a leader we need to understand and support everyone’s individual needs. There are a lot of risks taken in leadership. We learned that great leaders and good leaders don’t happen accidentally, it’s a capacity that is developed through learning, training, and participating.  It’s also divinely empowered by God. We also learned the 3Cs of leadership: character, competence, and compassion.  It was very useful, and we will apply these things to become good leaders.

The most important and useful session was taught by members of the ASHA Foundation, the three main topics they discussed were peer pressure, love and infatuation, and marriage. For the session on peer pressure, we learned what positive and negative peer pressure was. We also learned how to avoid negative peer pressure. It was good for us to reflect on our peers and how we are connected and influenced by them. The second topic was love and infatuation. In this topic, we came to know what love and infatuation are and how to control them.  Since we were all in the same age group, it was easier to understand and identify the difference between love and infatuation. We learned so much in these two topics which will be so much useful in our future. The next topic was about marriage- which related a lot to HIV.  A lot of us did not know much about this topic in the beginning, but through the session, we were able to clear all doubts we had on this subject. We learned that to lead a healthy relationship in our life we need to take the right decision with help from counselors and doctors.  We enjoyed the sessions so much.

The next day the last day of leadership training we learned about negotiation. Specifically, how to negotiate with people without hurting them and making them satisfied. We learned negotiation skills and how to use them. The three days of leadership training were very useful and we learned so much.

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