Snehasparsh Meetup Arranged

November 21, Snehasparsh meetup was organized. The main objective of the meeting was to gather all the students who were in Snehagram and are currently engaged in different jobs. There were 20 of them who joined for the meeting. Some of them could not join due to their work schedules. The meeting started with a prayer session followed by ice-breaking sessions. Discussions and sharing followed next on the adherence and COVID-19. It was very informative to learn the difficulties that people faced during the pandemic primarily to get their medicines and to adhere to them. Few of the challenges raised in the discussion were addressed by the peers with the help of Dr. Michael and Fr. Joy. The meeting decided to organize a regular health checkup in order to make sure if any health-related issues need to be given priority at the earliest. For all those who had issues, medicines were prescribed and there would be strict follow-up. The fitness issue was also addressed; many of the students who were very active in sports and maintaining fitness had now lost it completely due to the pressures of the work and other tasks. A short 10 minutes fitness workout was designed with the help of Ms. Devika.  We wrapped up the meeting with the lunch. All the participants were excited about the next meetup.